Part 95: Update LXXXI - Killing and a fancy bear
Update LXXXI - Killing and a fancy bear
This update covers the events of Update XXVII to XXX.
Music: School IV

Unfolding the memo, I read the four words written there [
What is your name?] That is the only thing written.

Hm? What is your name? It might mean something with the barrier, but I cannot guess why one would ask such a thing.

Could this be a way to defeat the barrier? If so, how do you keep your memories once inside? ...I really should try to answer the question while in the Marble, but how will I recall my name? Maybe I should ask someone's advice about this...
Music: Down to Dawn
Today is Nero's yellow chat.

I'm taken aback by Saber's remark. ...She wants to know about me? In other words, she wants me to talk about myself...?

Indeed. I am aware your memory remains lost, but I still wish to hear you speak your mind.

I can't speak on demand, like some kind of trained parrot... What should I talk about
Like, what sort of school I went to?
On account of Hakuno's whole 'actually an AI that was literally born two weeks ago' deal, every option here gives the same result.

...Nothing comes to mind. I don't know what to say. My past, my values, my preferences They're so unclear that I feel I'd be lying if I talked about them. I had a father. I had a mother. We lived in this town I can recall those superficial generalities, but not any details. Those kinds of facts are irrelevant to someone like Saber, who wants to hear about me in earnest. If I said "That's all there is"... I think it would displease her.

Hmph, you cannot speak of that which is unclear? Even though I demanded to know? ...Sigh. Then it cannot be helped. I will be magnanimous and forgive you, in light of your honesty. However, as I am still unsatisfied. In place of your past, tell me what you will wish for.

Unlike her playful voice earlier, this time she's calm and steely just like when she fights. My wish... The one I will present to the Holy Grail if I advance through and win the tournament. Saber must look so serious because knowing why I fight will determines the nature of our relationship. But-

Whatever driving force the other Masters have behind them, I just don't have it. I fight because I don't want to die. I fight to survive. That's self-preservation. It's not a wish. Leo, Dan, Rin Tohsaka, and all the other magi entered the SE.RA.PH after training for months or years. That shows willpower I don't have. I'd be lying if I said I had some deeply held wish I wanted granted.
Ahahahaha Shinji gets left out of the serious conversations yet again.

You will need to know the answer one day. I am in no hurry, neither am I angry or disappointed.

Even though that's what Saber says, I can tell that she's disappointed by the way she sighs. ...You know, I wonder. If the real me returns, would they have a wish worth killing for...?
Deal with the Nameless Forest.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor
And back in we go.
Hakuno Kishinami.

Hakuno Kishinami! The words that come out of my mouth mean nothing to me. But the atmosphere, so hostile before, instantly loses any sense of foreboding.
Now that the enemies are back, we can finally try out Nero's new Skill.
Music: Battle - First Chimeric Lunar Sea
With a Veil of Petals first for comparison.
Veil deals 500 damage for 30 MP.
While Artillery Applause deals 800 for 40. Not a bad boost!
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

If I lived in such a place, I'd have to wear a bearskin cloak at all times.
Nero talks.
Gain a level.

...Hmph. If I were of the Rider class, we'd be able to move about easier.
Nero talks some more.

That child is going to be trouble. Although we have obtained a cipher key, we cannot ignore her.
Get the trigger.
And done.
We talk to Rin about Alice.
Music: School IV

What are your thoughts on asking more about this subject at the
chapel? If those sisters are knowledgeable enough to perform Alterations of the Soul, they may know about this.

Go to the
chapel? Not a bad idea. The sisters who do the Alterations of the Soul might know something. I'll try to head over there later.
Remember when I said that using 100 items unlocks Nero's Skill upgrade?
Well Artillery Applause is that Skill.

If you were my consort, together we would bankrupt the country! Though, I could do that alone.

Still, marriage is not an ill-suited word to describe this newly-formed bond between us. Following your example, I will try to increase my magic consumption through improved skills. My power will ripen as a result, but I still expect to receive a tithing of items from your hands!
It'd probably take a fair bit longer to get on a fresh save, but with NG+ money this was a snap to get early.
The upgrade to Thunderous Applause has bumped the MP cost to a whopping 60 MP!
I do the whole thing with the note real quick.
Spend my SP.
And back in we go.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor
The only thing of note for today is testing out our new new Skill.
Music: Battle - First Chimeric Lunar Sea
Like last time, we'll be using Veil for comparison.
Veil is mostly the same, considering the SP we just spent.
Thunderous Applause, however, has become a
Of course, the steep 60 MP cost, combined with Nero's low MP pool and no form of inherent mitigation for that, means that I can't really spam it until I have Elixirs to spare.
But if I know a boss can die in one turn, Nero can just end them.
Gain a level while I'm here.
And leave.
Music: School IV
Reminder that today is Mabo Tofu day.
Money is an illusion, so I buy out their stock.
Make a quick stop to get this week's room decor.
But Nero's incense burner is the exact same as Tamamo's.
What were you expecting from Fate/Extra? Consistent effort?
Talk to the Alices.
Music: School III

She may be dead, but any sort of sympathy would be absurd, okay? She is an opponent you must fight.
Music: None
Get Level E.
And go kill a child.
Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

in the way now.

...I cannot help but feel sorry for them. Their brilliance is but the sparkle of dreams escaping a corpse.
Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed
Video: Week 3 Elimination 'Battle' (Saber ver.)
...Shit, I just noticed we're back here again.
What if NG+ is just a really roundabout form of Queen's Glass Game???

Haha, can you even do that, red princess?

Let's play more and more!
Hey, soooooooooooo...
You know how Rhyme has 6K HP?
And you know how Nero can deal 1.4K damage a hit now?
And how NG+ means I have the best Strength buff in the game on hand?
Music: Goodbye
I'll be completely honest here:
That wasn't a fight, that was a slaughter.
So this Hakuno gets to be a jerk.

I...I guess so. I wanted you to be like Alice, mister. I thought you were. But you have a real home, mister. You're...different from Alice. You really weren'
Bye, Alice!
Then Rin and Leo have their spat while Hakuno is still reeling from killing a child.
Next time: Two blond heroines walk into the moon.